What happens when you miss the vein in your arm

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Depends on quite a few factors. Among these are: What drug you're injecting What that drug is cut with If the injectable solution is fully dissolved, or instead
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02.04.2009 · Best Answer: If it is under the skin (skin popping) or in the muscle, then you actually have LESS risk than getting it into your vein. Here is a site that
Main > General Questions Still get high? Local irritation? What happens? Yep, you still get high. It makes injection pointless, though. Still get high and What happens when you approach ESRD?
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What happens when you miss the vein in your arm
It is at this stage that you are on the treshold of needing renal replacement therapy (any form of dialysis, or a kidney transplant). When this actually happens will
Apply hot water soaked in a wash cloth or soak area in hot water. not so hot as to burn or damage the skin. This will help even if it has been days or weeks since the
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What happens if I accidently hit a vein.
If you miss a vein & inject heroin or.
What happens when you miss the vein in your arm
What happens if I accidently hit a vein. What happens when you approach ESRD?I’ve watched a couple episodes of Lost, an ABC show about plane crash victims surviving on a deserted tropical island with some weird secrets.
02.01.2007 · Best Answer: If you're okay enough to type on here, you are okay. It just got it your system faster, and might cut the peak down a bit. Just check your
What heppens if you miss a vein when.